Purpose of literature review: To use the meta-analytic approach to examine the effects of progressive resistance exercise as a non-pharmacological intervention for reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure in people.
This literature review helps us to start, minimize variables and control our research. We chose reliable blood pressure instrument. Blood pressure is taken by one person before and after exercise in one participant to reduce errors.
We did the literature review about what university of Britain Columbia have done. They want to find the factors that will affect blood pressure and also does systolic BP vary to the same degree as the diastolic BP. They take blood pressure before and after exercise, and then using SPSS to analyse. Their end result showed that the systolic increase about 14.4mmHg, diastolic increase 3.4 mmHg, However this article didn’t give us any results about what the relationship between blood pressure before and after exercise.
James, M.W. & Musini, V. M. Factors affect blood pressure. [on-line] Available:
http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0005673#pone-0005673-t003 (18 July 2010)
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